Friday, August 21, 2009

Killing it

This never gets old - people out rockin' the roller skis at 7am. God bless SBS.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Doin' more work

The Big Dog keepin it real moving a truck full of stolen rocks to the top secret, undisclosed training location.

It is all part of the Rocky Balboa-style old skool fitness program primarily designed to make my back and hamstrings sore.


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Pool Update

Hot off the pool deck - an exciting new addition to the crew: Jump Rope Guy. I doubt anyone could ever displace Dry Hair Guy as my favorite pool character, but Jump Rope Guy is giving him a good run for his money. How? Well, for starters, he was, as you might guess, jumping rope on the pool deck. But wait - there's more. He also seems to share the FBD's incredible aversion to the sun, so he was stylishly clad in a t-shirt do rag, some type of burhka contraption and the scuba diving boots shown here. Yes, it was quite a look.

This entire situation was quite odd, even for a pool, which is all know are magnets for those losing their grip on reality. First of all, if one is concerned about sun exposure, I believe jumping rope is one of those exercises that can very successfully be executed inside. Taking this one step further, if you ARE going to do it outside, why on the pool deck? He never actually entered the water, so it's not as though this was some type of top secret jump rope/swim brick that's all the rage somewhere.

I DESPERATELY wanted to get a pic of the rope wrkt, but alas, the camera was stashed in the locker, so you're just going to have to take my word for it.

I love the pool.


Thursday, June 18, 2009


Lots of activity in SBS, both physical and verbal.

For starters, the response to this blog has been overwhelming. My favorite comment?
"Creating a blog is about as easy as producing your own urine...and you're about as likely to find someone else interested in it."
I think that just about says it all. Undaunted, I continue to charge forward, as there are too many significant events unfolding to abstain from commentary.

Next, from a teammate trying to find something in his garage for the FBD, he noted, "Don't worry, I'm a dude, I can find stuff." Word. Dudes find stuff.

And last, but certainly not least, as I was loading my groceries yesterday, another teammate noticed a cute girl loading watermelons into her car. Unable to resist, he commented, "Nice melons." Comments like this either get you killed or laid in PHL, but out here is SBS it was simply taken in the jovial spirit in which it was intended and everyone went on with their lives without any violence or nudity, or any combination of the two.

I desperately wanted a photo of this encounter, as not only is a picture worth a thousand words, but everyone loves cute girls with nice melons, even if they are out of view. Alas, the melon girl was a speedy one and she was loaded and driving before I could respond.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

MSYUD - Minimum Safe Youth Urination Distance

As anyone who has even looked into a public pool in the summer can attest, they are usually crawling with kids of all ages and widely varying states of bladder control, therein raising the compelling question, just how far to I need to be from the problem pool urinators to be safe?

I pondered this question in great detail the other day, but since I was actually IN the pool during this period of contemplation, the only research tools I had at my disposal was my overactive imagination. I therefore concluded that since I had no choice other than to not swim (not really an option), I would be fine, as public health ordinances undoubtedly have taken care of this, right?

Wrong. Literally the next day, I found this in the paper of record: It turns out I was on the right track, but the wrong orifice.


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Rollin, rollin, rollin

Yet another nice thing about SBS. Out here, no one even things twice about this. In Philly, you might as well be from the moon.

In the interest of full disclosure, the fact that I was in only a purple Speedo and out with a biathlon gun didn't help though.